2021 Ultimate Weekly Planners

Thrive 2021

Author Headshot - Carmen
September 14, 2020

It’s Launch Day for the 2021 Ultimate Weekly Planner!

We are so very excited to introduce Thrive to you. Our goal for the 2021 Thrive planner is to provide a tool for you to help you live a more meaningful year.

How would you impact the people around you if you lived intentionally?

We know you care about the people in your life. We also know you have important projects and daily tasks to accomplish.

You’re not lazy — you just lose focus on what matters. We have been there too. We get caught up in the “daily grind”, forgetting about the little things and how they matter most.

One way to be intentional about your daily life, intentional about your relationships, intentional about your health is to write it down. Consult your “silent partner” throughout your day and work week. I can guarantee that you will have more flexibility.

Here are some simple ways to use your planner to be more intentional.

1. Structure a morning routine. Every action we take has an affect on our lives.

This starts with the night before. Each evening before going to bed, I spot check the house. Start the dishwasher, fold blankets, turn off lights, etc.

My morning routine looks something like this: Wake up, drink a glass of water, start a load of laundry, unload the dishwasher, let the doggo out, and make lunch for my husband.

After completing my morning routine, I’m awake and my mind is clear. Next I check my planner to see what is scheduled for the day.

Each person will have a different routine. Find what works for you and roll with it.

This brings on point number two.

2. Roll with the punches.

Goals and task lists are tentative. Our days seldom go according to plan, but having written goals and task list help us keep on track.

We can make plans, but we all know they change. That does not make them irrelevant. Make your plans, but hold them loosely. Do your best on your end to keep them. Leave room to meet a friend for coffee, or help a neighbor in need.

When we have a daily routine, rolling with punches comes naturally.

3. Experience a day filled with meaning.

When keeping to a daily routine and planning well my days and weeks are full of meaning.

We are ultimately here for the glory of God. To thrive in his presence here and in eternity. Our lives are His to use. Our job is to live them well, with intention. When our lives have purpose and we live with intention we can change our world. Our actions are examples for others to follow.

Wake up with Purpose. Live every day with meaning.

Our store is open! Head over to studio331.co to buy your 2021 Ultimate Weekly Planner. We can’t wait to hear how you use this tool to better your life!

Help us to thrive, Lord. That our lights may shine before men that they may see your good works and Glorify You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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